Thursday, August 27, 2009


The Village Recoleta (a cinema) and surrounding shops on my street at night.

So I fiiiiinally have an internet connection. I know that sounds typically American and whiney, but the truth is that, at least in La Recoleta (my neighborhood in BsAs and one of the wealthier areas of the city), many people have home computers and cable modems, and is it my fault I am a part of such a techie-mod generation? If I was staying in a village in the middle of nowhere, then I could deal, but seeing e-mail and Skype everywhere and being unable to communicate, make this blog, or even check the weather, was extremely frustrating. But some cash sacrifice and many an awkward conversation in Spanish has paid off and I am finally tuned in to all of you! Hopefully you will tune in too, and follow this blog, where I will be posting updates, photos, and videos of my life and adventures here in Argentina.

Oh, and wondering about the title? "Che" is Argentine vernacular for "hey!" or "hey you!", NOT the actual name of revolutionary (and heart throb) Ernesto "Che" Guevara. He picked it up when he was traveling through South America because other countries' citizens knew the slang and applied it as a knickname to the young Argentine. If you wanna know more, read The Motorcycle Diaries. Oh!-and the gentlemanly technician who set up my router for me, Ignacio, just happens to be his cousin (no joke), and that charming face runs in the family if I may say so myself...

More to come, pronto!!! Ciao...Besos (Kisses)

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous Jess. I'm so glad your;re exploring and learning the lessons I never did. Your're an excellent writer too. Ed and i went to boston to see U2 yesterday. That was adventurous for an old lady. See you in December? Aunt lisa
